African Christian Democratic Party
The African Christian Democratic Party brings to South Africa hope for a strong, healthy prosperous and purpose-driven nation.
President: Hon. Rev Kenneth Meshoe
Deputy President: Hon. Pastor Wayne Thring
The African Christian Democratic Party brings to South Africa hope for a strong, healthy prosperous and purpose-driven nation. It is a political party standing for Christian Democratic principles and recognises that vibrant, healthy families are the building blocks of a strong, value-based society. The ACDP stands for a 'shared future' and is determined to provide reliable, trustworthy leaders who are passionate about addressing the needs and improving the lives of all South Africans. We value unity and diversity and are committed to protecting freedom of religion and family integrity. The ACDP is your hope for a great future!
1) To promote, uphold and defend Christian Family Values;
2) To provide strong Christian leadership and to defend, promote and uphold Biblical principles in legislation;
3) To contend for, and attain the leadership of the government of the Republic of South Africa through the continuing democratic process;
4) To participate in the political arena and government in South Africa with a policy based on the principles set out in clause 3;
5) To strive for the development of a broad front for peaceful co-operation, relations, joint strategies and alliances with organizations which, and persons who are pursuing similar objectives.
The Party believes that South Africa is a Nation under the Almighty God. The Party represents:
1) A fresh start for a new South Africa. It is a party uncontaminated by the past;
2) A multiracial leadership emanating from diverse political backgrounds, united behind common principles to bring hope to the nation;
3) A genuine federal framework of government with original constitutional powers at the lowest possible level;
4) Development through the empowerment of grassroots communities and the individual;
5) Christian values and norms; the proper foundation for Personal Freedom, National Unity, Reconciliation, Justice, Peace and Security;
6) A determination to address the critical issues such as poverty, security, the economy, housing, education, health care, and land ownership, etc., based on proven successful
7) A vibrant open market economy, creating opportunities for all to prosper.
The Party stands for Christian principles, freedom of religion, an open market economy, family values, community empowerment and human rights in a federal system. The Party embraces those who believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and stands for Judeo-Christian values.
1) We believe there is one Creator God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
2) We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, inerrant written word of God and the final authority above all Man’s laws and government.
3) We believe civil government is under the authority of God.
4) We believe that biblical principles provide the proper foundations for civil government’s role to ensure personal freedom, family values, justice, peace, security, national unity and reconciliation for the nation and its citizens.
Other Members of Leadership:
Chairperson: Hon. Dr Ferlon Christians
Deputy Chairperson: Mrs Olga Makgoba
National Secretary General: Ms Cherrel Jacobs
Deputy Secretary General: Mr Norman Fana Mkhonza
Treasurer General: Mrs Maud Voyatzoglou
Elections Manager: Mr Grant Haskin
Communications Director: Mr Joshua Meshoe
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